How ECDs are to be returned to the factory in Milan (Italy):
- An IDN form must be submitted for every ECD service request (one for each module and/or ECD cell);
- A Purchase Order must be create;
- Fill the FSE responsibility part of the IDN form (like shown in the picture below)
- Send an email to the Factory ECD Specialist (PSS) ( that contains the following documents and information:
- IDN form correctly filled
- Purchase Order document
- Shipment address
- Invoice header with the reference person
! Please record detailed descriptions of the requested operation and/or observed issue.
- The PSS will check the IDN form, the warranty status of the ECD module/cell and assign an IDN number and send the form back to the FSE.
- The PSS will send the IDN form properly filled out back to the FSE
- The package will need to include the IDN forms filled in all its parts.
- The ECDs must be shipped to:
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Strada Rivoltana
20090 Rodano – Milan (Italy)
ATTN: Leonardo Bellomo
! ECDs may not be transported, packaged, shipped, or received by FSEs.
! ECDs may only be packaged, shipped, and received by personnel operating under license.
! The shipment of radioactive material is strictly regulated. The ECD is classified by I.A.T.A./A.D.R. : UN2911
ECD cell/module must be shipped by couriers with the UN2911 license, in order to avoid customs problems.
If you do not already have a company of trust we suggest MITAmbiente S.r.l. .
Contact them at the contact listed below for any question and organize the shipment.
MITAmbiente S.r.l.
Dangerous Material shipment responsible:
Andrea Contadino
mobile: +39 3458598817
office: +39 0289297707